Functional Medicine
For people who are serious about fixing their chronic health problems.
What do you do when all the tests come back “normal”?
What do you do when the medications just don’t seem to work?
What do you do when you can feel that things aren’t right and yet, you just can’t seem to find any real solutions?
We understand how frustrating this can be.
We know because we see patients each day struggling with these types of chronic health issues with things like:

At True Wellness we offer an entirely new approach to helping people fix their chronic health problems once and for all.
Rather than temporarily reducing symptoms we actually seek to figure out the root cause of the problems. We do this through a simple but powerful baseline test that unfortunately, very few doctors are even aware of.
It's been said that Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well, unfortunately this is far too often what patients experience when looking for help with their chronic health issues. ​

At True Wellness, we have an entirely different and unique approach to helping patients. In fact, our team is a part of a network of medical doctors, chiropractors, nurse practitioners and other healthcare professionals across the country working together to help solve chronic health issues for patients. Each week we receive ongoing training and discuss the very latest science backed strategies for addressing the most common chronic health problems.
The first critical step is to uncover the root cause(s) behind our patients' problems.
But here’s the best part:
Once we have discovered the root cause of your unique problems, we can usually help to fix them!
Imagine what life would be like if we could help you to:​
Reclaim your energy
Enjoy the activities you once used to
Enjoy time with your children, family and loved ones
No longer feel depressed or anxious
Feel like YOU again!
Well, this is not merely wishful thinking. We help patients just like you every day. In fact, don’t take our word for it. Here’s what one of our many patients had to say about her experience with the Health Restore Program: